
Showing posts from May, 2011

Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne Weekend Getaway! Date: 13 May 2011 It is not often you hear someone say, "I'm going to Australia just for the weekend". However, it actually happened to me, not intentionally, but accidentally... I booked my flight ticket (in August 2010 for the lowest fare possible!!) without double checking and ended up with only 2 full days to spend in Melbourne. To make the best of it, I pre-booked full day tours for both days... which left out any opportunity for Melbourne city sight-seeing - how sad! From LCCT, KLIA to Melbourne Airport, it took about 8 hours flight - which I can't sleep for most part of it!! - and the time difference is plus 2 hours from Malaysia. Date: 14 May 2011 Upon arrival...   Hi Mr Sean/Chin! We were greated by Ms Candy who showed us to our maxi taxi. The driver was Mr Sean/Chin (didn't quite get his name) who was from Cancun, China. He was friendly and energetic. He dropped us of at Punthill - The Stanton at St Kild...

The Use-To-Be Innocent Baby Sis~

A Dedication To Little Winnie~ When I was younger, I have always wanted a little sister to play with. At age 5, Lil Bro 2 was born. When Mom said that he was a boy, I requested her to return him back to the hospital and exchange him with a girl... no can do! At last, in 1994, my only sister was born... I was so happy! She was so innocent and adorable - my very bestfriend. She did everything I asked her to do... so cool~ Like a tiny robot = p Little Sister finally went to school and learned to write. She wanted to wish me Happy 17th or 18th Birthday... Here is the touching letter from her... Hello my sister. happy-B. I like yuo. my sister are the beas. She is good I like her. happy-B. Good-Good Pop haha   The beast nearly fainted with laughter! Ahaks!! However, she was the sweetest little thing... auw~

Me & Rendang

Craving for Rendang! Date: 5 May 2011 Eid Fitr is 4 months from now but I have already started imagining rendang and nasi impit ... I don't think I can wait that long. So, I decided to cook my very first rendang . Cooking is not my favourite thing in the world.. But I have to do it in order the speed up Hari Raya =p I searched the internet for a simple recipe and found 1 that I think I can manage since the ingredients were familiar to me.. Except for kerisik ! I found the recipe at: . At the market, I searched high and low for the word kerisik on any possible packaging. I don't even know how it looks like, except that it could be made of coconut. I gave up and asked a lady who showed me that I was actually standing right beside it! There was no lable on the brownish thingy! I was quite suprised that it turned out okay... At least Hasben didn't puke, so that's a good sign. Happy Advanced Eid Fitr! Hihi! The truth is, it tast...

Book: Eat Pray Love

Author: Elizabeth Gilbert At last... after months of trying to finish this book, I finally did it! No offense to the author, she is a very talented writer. I am just not into depressing stories... because my reading can actually influence my emotions. I like the travelling part... but the search for spiritual relief from all the negative emotions was really too heavy for me. I started reading this book early this year... and had a break when I reached the part when she went to the Ashram in India. Half way through the book, I watched the movie with Julie Zac... which also bored me a bit. I brought this book to Gold Coast, thinking that I can read it on the plane - apparently I made it through only a few pages. However, when I finally got to the Bali part... it was fast reading all the way. The author was no longer depressed, and her stories were all about happiness! Yeaahh!! My Synopsis: This is a true story about the author's journey to find peace within herself after g...

Digital Weighing Scale!

Healthy and Happy! Date: 3 May 2011 Yeahh!! My company gave out gifts to to all its employees for HSE (Health, Safety & Environment) Appreciation Day ... A digital weighing scale with BMI chart! Best of all - from a reliable source - he says the scale cost RM150 each! I love free branded stuff! The brand: Fitness Concept! Just like my yoga mat, the one I bought with Julie Zac. 21 Jan 2011 - Fresh yoga mats from Great Eastern Mall! Thank you CUF!! I'm loving it! It's time to weigh my big bump!