Trip Back Home!

Date : 28.2.2014-10.3.2014 It was really an impromptu decision to book a flight back to KL. JuliZac informed that there was this deal by AirAsia from Gold Coast to KL which got me browsing for plane tickets. In the end, I did not manage to see any great bargains but ended up craving to go back home. At last the decision was made because I could not get Kenny Roger's Chicken out of my mind. I know, that was kind of crazy... I could not sleep the night before the flight. We had this many close calls of nearly missing the plane, thus 2AM seems like a good idea to start moving from Toowoomba, although our flight was actually at 9AM. We stopped by Banora Point near Coolangatta to buy a Quicksmart Travel Stroller from an ad in Gumtree (Hah! Sempat lagi! ) and ended up waiting for nearly 2 hours at the departure hall. I don't care, better early than sorry. My KR Chicken is waiting for me!~ The only way to keep Kimi distracted throughout the plane ride is by giving him the iPa...