Flipsters: Foldable Sandals

Here are the boots I bought from Skechers for $10 from DFO Brisbane. Amazing bargain, I know. Totally excited to wear them. Even though they have like a 2-inch wedge, I was pretty confident to wear them all day to North Stradbroke Island. I didn't even bring spare shoes or slippers. Big mistake. With boots so high for my standard, I decided to bush walk for 5 KM to Blue Lake. The pain! The agony! The blisters! Miraculously, in the bag pack I was carrying, I brought along my emergency sandals. I have never worn them before, bought them maybe around last year. I just have this thing for 'foldable'/'collapsible' gadgets. Alhamdulillah! They are total life savers. Cute, tiny, handy, lightweight, comes in its own bag, and designed in Australia. Love it! So for the remaining part of the trip, I was wearing these sandals, finally, putting it to good use.