The End of Hizam’s PhD Journey

A Dedication to My One and Only Hasben finally did it! It took him longer than most people but he finally accomplished his greatest academic goal - getting a PhD in structural engineering. The truth is, he never planned on pursuing this part of life as he was quite an achiever in Kerteh as a maintenance engineer. However, God had other plans for him when he married me, haha! I convinced him to take up this crazy challenge of getting out of our comfort zones, travel to another country and dedicated hours of our time in doing research work for a PhD degree. With the supervisors We started together early 2012, at USQ, Toowoomba, Australia and I graduated in 2015. After this, it seemed he hit the pause button and was progressing very slow. This made me worry constantly! But in early 2018, he finally regained his momentum and completed 4 journals in that short time period. Proud parents! It was a big moment for us when he finally received the letter confirming ...