Tutorial: Scrap Fabric Binders

I have sooo many scrap fabrics! I can’t possibly throw them in the bin, they are so precious. I might need them one day - but the rate of collecting scrap fabrics are higher than actually using them and now I ended up with such a huge pile! If you’re like me, what kind of sewing projects will you take on to clear your stash? For me, fabric binder is the way to go. They use up a lot of scraps and make colourful borders for any sewing projects. And they are super easy to make: Step 1: Cut fabrics into same sized rectangles - width depends on how wide you want your binder to be, and length depends on how frequent you want the patterns to change. The shorter the length of the rectangles, the colourful the binder will be. Step 2: Sew a straight line connecting all rectangle fabrics. Give some considerations on how the patterns match one another. I prefer contrasting colours. Step 3: Now you can just sew the long connected scraps as a binder - YouTube tutorials on how to ...