My Homemade Nursing Shawl

Online Window Shopping Drives Me Insane!

To be honest, actual online shopping is worst. Being in confinement + Iphone + 24/7 Wifi = Shopping at the tips of my fingers. Mr Postman becomes my most awaited person.

I never thought I would be nursing my baby when it comes to it. It is a lot of work but I'll try my best as long as I possibly can. Most of my online shopping involves buying stuff to support BF. During one of my online shop browsing, I stumbled upon something new - nursing poncho - A piece of garment mamas wear to nurse their babies discreatly in public. My nafsu starts to speak: MAYBE I need this... What if I have to nurse in public?? My stingy conscience retorted: I'll make one!!

Boredom had led me to this - altering my Pashmina Shawl to function as a nursing shawl.

Materials Used: Pashmina from India given by JuliZac, Needle & Thread, and Snap Buttons

Buttons sewn
WinZie modelling for QA & QC =p

So I saved a few bucks, and in reality, I may never nurse in public - baby is a biter! Instead, this invention shall be called "Pumping Shawl", in case... I decide to pump in public??


Juli.Zakaria said…
good to share. i have many shawls unused kat dalam drawer opis. now is know the masa depan of them.haha
Ju Zie said…
bli mahal2 jd pengelap susu, hihi...

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