Me and eBay!
Shopaholic Goes Online! Shopping online is nothing new to me. I got carried away during pregnancy - buying cloth diapers, baby bottles, breastfeeding gadgets, baby carrier... All was blamed on hormones. Right now, what started as casual window shopping on eBay became quite an addiction! I kept clicking on the "Next" link until the end of the search list. To make matter worst, the clicking was diverted to the "Bid" button!! And right now, I am hoping that someone outbids me on this one item because I don't feel like buying it anymore... Or is there an "unbid" button I don't know off? Aaarghh...!!! My first eBay purchase arrived last week - a Tupperware jar openner. The seller described it as: Must have for every kitchen. If you have this, you no longer need a man in the house to open tight jar caps . When asked by Hasben, why am I wasting money on this, I confidently quoted the above. So the time came for me to put to use this rubber thing...