Me and eBay!
Shopaholic Goes Online!
Shopping online is nothing new to me. I got carried away during pregnancy - buying cloth diapers, baby bottles, breastfeeding gadgets, baby carrier... All was blamed on hormones.
Right now, what started as casual window shopping on eBay became quite an addiction! I kept clicking on the "Next" link until the end of the search list. To make matter worst, the clicking was diverted to the "Bid" button!! And right now, I am hoping that someone outbids me on this one item because I don't feel like buying it anymore... Or is there an "unbid" button I don't know off? Aaarghh...!!!
My first eBay purchase arrived last week - a Tupperware jar openner. The seller described it as: Must have for every kitchen. If you have this, you no longer need a man in the house to open tight jar caps. When asked by Hasben, why am I wasting money on this, I confidently quoted the above.

So the time came for me to put to use this rubber thingy. I wanted to cook instant butter chicken. How I twisted and turned, but the jar lid did not pop open! My hand ached and... heart ached too. Apparently, this orange fella cannot replace a man, crap! After admitting defeat, it was time to face Hasben's smirk... And get the bloody jar to open before kuali hangit!
Blogging on the go!
Shopping online is nothing new to me. I got carried away during pregnancy - buying cloth diapers, baby bottles, breastfeeding gadgets, baby carrier... All was blamed on hormones.
Right now, what started as casual window shopping on eBay became quite an addiction! I kept clicking on the "Next" link until the end of the search list. To make matter worst, the clicking was diverted to the "Bid" button!! And right now, I am hoping that someone outbids me on this one item because I don't feel like buying it anymore... Or is there an "unbid" button I don't know off? Aaarghh...!!!
My first eBay purchase arrived last week - a Tupperware jar openner. The seller described it as: Must have for every kitchen. If you have this, you no longer need a man in the house to open tight jar caps. When asked by Hasben, why am I wasting money on this, I confidently quoted the above.
So the time came for me to put to use this rubber thingy. I wanted to cook instant butter chicken. How I twisted and turned, but the jar lid did not pop open! My hand ached and... heart ached too. Apparently, this orange fella cannot replace a man, crap! After admitting defeat, it was time to face Hasben's smirk... And get the bloody jar to open before kuali hangit!
Blogging on the go!