
Showing posts from May, 2012

Parkland, South Bank, Brisbane

Brisbane, Again and Again! Date : 12 May 2012 About 1 year ago, my friends and I hopped on Air Asia, visited Gold Coast and Brisbane. The depressing story  here . At that time I was 2 months pregnant. I was not sure then that I will be back. So now, with Ju Jr. out and about, Hasben and I re-visited Parkland. It is sooo much better than the last time, because: In 2011, it was recovering from the horrible flood. All this time I was wondering what was all this construction site and swampy area about?! We arrived in Parkland in the evening, parked our car underground ($15!! But better than taking the risk of saman ), and excitedly pointing out here and there.. "Dulu kita lalu sini!" City of Brisbane: The boys enjoying the sunset: Free public pool: Street Beach: Aquativity - If only we had out bikinis on, haha! Aquativity at night - colourful lights on! River cruise - we went on one of these last year: Carvings on the Nepal Peace Pago...

Sofa Makeover!

From Flowery to Stripy! Owh how I've missed sewing! It is quite hard to find hobby-time when you're busy juggling between report writing and screaming baby! But today, I successfully cleared up my timetable for some ME time (screaming baby is always in the picture, nothing much I can do about that). What's interesting here in Toowoomba is Vinnie's - a volunteer/charity-based secondhand shop where people can donate their unwanted things, and other people (like me) can buy these things at very cheap prices. The money goes to charity. Can you see how this is a win-win-win-win situation?: Doner clears house from junks, buyer gets cheap quality items, some folks get charity money, and volunteers get satisfaction for being good people (???). We should have this sort of shops in Malaysia! Anyways, as a good-hearted person, I like shopping at Vinnie's (seriously, because I'm a cheapskate). I bought an old sofa-bed for $20 early this year. Two small beds, stacked o...

My First Mother's Day!

Happy Mum's Day~ Date: 13 May 2012 I have been extremely busy lately that blogging seemed impossible! But today, I have to make an exception since it is my first Mother's Day as a mum. My kid is too small to do any heart-melting gestures so it was not really an extraordinary day. However, Hasben did something sweet on behalf of Kimi - a cute card for lil old me~! Yeaah!! TQ dearest!~ At 1PM, we went for our first Aussie theatre - Cinderella. It was a cute play, enjoyed by me, Hasben and our Malaysian friends. Kimi? He slept halfway and tried to join the act by screaming. Overall, he behaved well so he passed the test for future cinema activities (provided he can have his milk ASAP)... Excited we are!  Cinderella - As told by Toby!  The stepmom and stepsisters....  Toby the story teller~ Cindy wearing her special shoes... In the evening, I tried my hands on baking my first chocolate cake - so-called Mother's Day cake - which turned...