Malaysia Hall Sydney

Hasben's first conference is at UTS, University Technology Sydney so Kimi and I tagged along to give him the moral support he needed... As well as sightseeing of course! As a Malaysian on budget, we chose to stay at Malaysia Hall in Alison Road, Randwick. Here, Kak Nani and some UNSW students welcomed us and made us feel like home.

For those Malaysians who are looking for a place to stay in Sydney, this is definitely the most cost saving choice! Some tips worth mentioning:

1) Send an email to Kak Nani to book a room.
2) Bring cash for payment and AUD100 for downpayment (no cards).
3) No cooking allowed so forget about frying some chicken. But a common microwave is available on the ground floor.
4) Laundry and ironing room available.
5) Rooms have 2 single beds and private bathrooms. Carpeted floors.
6) Kiblat direction available in the cupboard, as well as a praying mat.
7) Located near a bus stop but most of the busses require PrePaid passes.

Anyway, it is suppose to be summer right now but the weather is chilly! Kimi and I (mostly I) are excited for Hasben to finish his presentation so we can ronda-ronda lagi!!!


Juli.Zakaria said…
nice kak nani over there. unlike the one here ! :P
mohammad said… bercadang nk ke sydney mcm mne nk cntct malaysia hall sydney??can u help pls??

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