Bribie Island, QLD, Australia

Date: 11 April 2013
Exploring Bribie during Toowoomba Show Day.
Pumicestone Passage separates Bribie from the mainland.

Kimi wasn't feeling so well... It must be due to the transition from summer to autumn. Half of the kids in his class were absent, including him. He was coughing and had a cold - was breathing through his mouth =( . But... we dragged him anyway to Bribie Island. And it was a decision we had to pay - He was moody all day! There were moments when he was normal, actively running here and there... and there were moments when he was crying for no reasons at all. It was a really loooong car ride!

Gatton - photo stop of the gorgeous countryside!

Bribie is located in the north of Brisbane. A large part of the island is a national park that requires a 4WD to be explored. 

The jetty...

We went for a bush walk at the art gallery.

The waterhole - with pink water lilies!

We were planning to do some canoeing but it started to rain quite heavily in the afternoon, so the kids (and the parents) ended up just playing at the beach while Hasben, Kimi and I visited the Seaside Museum.

It was raining fuiyo-ly!
A skull of a dolphin - Is this suppose to be cute or scary?!

The interesting thing about Bribie, to me, is the distant view of the Glass House Mountains on the mainland. I had a few attempts to capture a decent picture with it, but the weather was too cloudy, hiding the mountains completely *sob... sob.. srottt (selsema)*

My best effort - *yeaay* (in an emotionless tone~)

At night, we visited Mount Coo-tha, to marvel the tiny lights that is Brisbane City.

And for dinner, we ate at an Indonesian restaurant at West End, Brisbane.

Ingatkan dendengnye rangup seperti di Restoran Sari Ratu di Malaysia - enggak ~


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