Homemade Saline Solution

For Toddlers with Eye Infection

I remembered in the pass that Kimi had an eye infection and the nurse gave a saline solution to be wiped on the infected eye. This helped to clear the mucus. She also printed this from the internet so we can make it at home. Seems useful for future reference (although I could just visit the website for the recipe, but knowing me, I might not be able to find it [-_-]").

Source: www.aboutkidshealth.ca

How to make normal saline solution at home 
Saline solution is easy to make at home. 

You will need: 
o 1 clean glass bottle or jar with lid 
o table salt 
o pot with lid 

1. Put one cup of water and 1/2 teaspoon of salt into the pot. Put the lid on. 
2. Boil for 15 minutes with the lid on (set a timer). 
3. Set the pan aside until cooled to a room temperature. 
4. Carefully pour the salt and water (normal saline) from the pan into the jar or bottle and put the lid on. 


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