The End of My PhD Journey!

Date: 17 April 2015

Alhamdulillah... I have finally graduated for the third time.

With the Chancellor... 

My prayers were answered by Allah. I had endured some really tough experiences during my undergraduate and masters programs. I was initially a bit phobia of even thinking about doing research and lab works. So, I prayed really hard for a smooth journey with helpful and kind supervisors and friends. And yes, every single person around me had been so supportive and miraculously, I managed to complete my studies in 2 years 10 months. Although I had to take care of my baby boy, suffered a miscarriage, and delivered another baby boy, the journey was actually not so bad. And I know this is all a gift from Allah, and I am truly thankful to Him.

My entourage :)  

I have been so lucky for having the best supervisors in the world: Dr. Belal, Dr. Allan, and Professor Karu. They are AWESOME! And of course, my ever supporting Hasben... My personal manpower and spiritual advisor he is. And my parents, whom I dedicate this achievement to. And my Toowoomba friends, always willing to take care of Kimi when I had to do some lab works. This means so much to me: Especially Shasha & family, Kak Das & family, and Kak Hanee & family. And to Zana & family, for adopting Kimi while I was in labour - a very vulnerable time since I was in pain and quite emotional with all the hormones. Also, my indirect support systems: my siblings - WinZie, Am and Yan, my Kosas family especially mama, abah and Annis, my bffs - JuliZac, Zayra, Didi, Lohi, Mui, just to name a few, my lab helpers - Rohan, Ging, Wayne, Mohan, Dr. Francisco, Evans, Antoine & the P9 gang, my UTM referees - Dr. Nordin and Dr. Azlan - each and every one is a blessing from God. Lastly, my PhD babies, Kimi & Afi - could not imagine going through all this without you guys (most probably with less drama, hihi).

The final product :D
Kimi: Ibu, your doctor book... 


edlidza said…
Congrats dear!!! alhamdulillah im happy for you!!
Ju Zie said…
Thank you edliza dear...
MammaSun said…
Tahniah Jue!!! Ko mmg osem.
Ju Zie said…
Tq Sunna... (^u^)
Juli.Zakaria said…
congrats from me. PhD babies? thats epic!

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