Aqram's Wedding

Date: 12 January 2015

It has been almost a month since we went back to Malaysia for my brother's wedding. Kimi was excited to be with his grandparents, aunties and uncles and of course, his many cousins! I helped Mak with decorating the hantaran. She had done most of the work, just needed some touch-up. So these were the products of mother-daughter creative minds:

We also did a little work on the groom's room (Bilik pengantin). The same bed sheet set for my wedding was reused. Mak bought this mosquito net (kelambu) for a more romantic effect.

WinZie and I spent a little sisterly time decorating this pelamin. No one was really impressed with our work, except for ourselves... Haha! And maybe Pak Long...

Anyways, this is Aqram during the akad. Apparently, they have a text now they can read from, so it's not as challenging as it used to be.. Hehe...

This was their reception at a hall in Hulu Kelang, the theme was dusty pink or Mak likes to call it, pink belacan. Afian,  the best man even sang a song on stage. He was supposed to duet with WinZie but to cut the story short, WinZie was fired! Poor girl ;p

And this was at our home for the Majlis Bertandang. It was green pucuk pisang theme. Our family from Singapore really outdid themselves with this matching yellow-green combo. They looked awesome!

Anyway, congrats Lil bro and new SIL.  Have a great honeymoon in Europe (which at this very moment, they are already in Venice, Italy).


Juli.Zakaria said…
Awin was fired?thats funny.haha. Anyway singapore cuzzy mmg sporting sunggoh!

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