Wellington Point, Brisbane, QLD.

Date: 7 August 2016

Since Hasben had a new mid-year resolution to spend most of his time in the office to complete his PhD, he promised to dedicate his weekends for short travels. A few weeks ago, we drove to Melaney, Sunshine Coast (maybe I will write about this later) and last Sunday, I Googled for the best beaches in Brisbane for kids, and Wellington Point is highly recommended.

The cosy town of Wellington Point looked very lovely as we passed by but we didn't have the time or energy to explore it. We went straight to Wellington Point Recreation Reserve, located at the tip of a little cape. The right side of the cape was exposed to the open water of Moreton Bay and the wind was very strong here. We were shivering as we walked on the dock. It may be a good spot for fishing as there were many people hanging out along the dock with their fishing rods.

On the left side, it was much less colder with a view of Brisbane across the water. The tide was low so we can actually walk to the little island.

The kids had so much fun and I didn't need to worry much because the water was very shallow, it did not pass Afi's knees.

Interestingly, coming from a much smaller town like Toowoomba, I was astonished to see so many people on their phones catching Pokémon! Literally, everywhere! Hasben caught 8 Pokémons while we were there. I didn't have any mobile data so was a bit disappointed, haha.

Not exactly Pokémons, but Kimi's dinosaur collection on my sand island! 

Anyways, we spent the whole day there and witnessed the beautiful sunset. So many family and friends gathered near the beach, some even brought dinner while others setup their DSLR cameras. Yup, it was truly lovely!


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