Eid Mubarak 1438H

Date: 25 June 2017

Hi blog! Sorry for being away too long! Last entry was 4 months ago. Am not sure if anyone else is blogging anymore since the current trend now is Instagraming. Well anyway, currently 1 AM here. Everyone is sleeping and thought I do a bit of writing. And the obvious topic would be Eid-Fitr! Everyone in Malaysia is still posting the 3rd day of Raya pics, with beautiful matching coloured Baju Raya - flooding my Facebook - which I love to see. Happy faces and so many fun moments. My Raya was only on the 1st of Syawal, and then it's life as usual.

We hosted the Malaysian Raya this year, which makes it our 2nd consecutive year as hosts. Last year was at Gerda, and this year is at West St. Did I mention we moved? Probably not. Woke up after Subuh and was determined to join the Eid prayer. This year it was held at Centenary High State School. As usual, could not hear a word of the khutbah. Sisters love to talk I tell you (yup, dah pandai panggil muslimah - sisterrr, Mak Arab gitu).

The compulsory picture with Imam Abdul Kadir (for the brothers obviously).

After the prayers, went to Japanese Garden for our Raya photoshoot. Boys, they are just not interested with pictures. So hard to get a decent photo of everyone smiling, sitting still, not moving or running - therefore, no framable pictures.

Menggreget-greget tak reti dok diam.

Sun was too bright, but lovely weather!

My boys received maroon baju Melayu from kak Ramiza so that was our theme. I modified their clothes the night before and was glad I did it, they looked okay in pictures. Probably would have been better with songkoks as I had planned earlier, but just did not have the time to sew. Oh well. Just 3 Malaysian families this year. The rest had gone back to Malaysia, either for good or just for the school holidays.

Keluarga angkat Toowoomba.
Gemilang supermoms ;p
Photos credit: Muzammil

We did invite some other friends - there were too many food, might as well share them. We never learn from past lessons (or maybe just me) - always cook too much food as though the whole village is coming. Anyway, I cooked nasi ayam and bihun tomyam. Farah brought rendang ayam, nasi impit, pulut kuning, chocolate cake; and Ita brought nasi goreng, lodeh, kuah kacang, ayam masak kicap, kuih-muih.

Pelbagai juadah yang enak-enak belaka!
Photos credit: Muzammil

The Raya celebration ended at about 4 PM. I was suddenly exhausted and forced myself to pack the leftover food. Cleaning up can wait. So we slept early that night. Simple Raya indeed.

Selamat Hari Raya, maaf zahir dan batin. Semoga ketemu Ramadhan tahun hadapan, jika umur panjang, InsyaAllah.


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