Home Decor - Frugal Style

How awesome is the Facebook Marketplace? We are literally buying and selling most things through there now.

I have been eyeing the IKEA’s KVISTBRO coffee table for a very, very long time. I missed out on the sale last year and being me, do not wish to pay full price. I lurked around the FB Marketplace for ages and finally, someone was selling 2 of them for just $25! What a bargain.

Stair's gate is up as our lil miss is a climber now!

But I only need just one, so will have to sell one of them.

Next project is definitely to replace the fake bamboo plant with a real plant. And probably the rug too.

And... my other project is to set up the kids’ school station - where they can easily store their school bags, swimming bags, homework, sun hats, coats, etc. The idea was shared on Kmart Hacks. I needed at least 2 of these Kmart lockers (I already had one) and finally got the other one from FB Marketplace for just $10. Hasben had to drive 30 minutes to Highfields to pick it up and he was not happy at all - but beggars can’t be choosers right? Hihi... One thing that irks me though, the lockers were not the same height... (oh well).

Our study nook. Plus home for my indoor plants, my current obsession.

Oh, and we sold our red locker-style TV bench and bought the BESTA for $50 last year. The matching shoe cabinet was from Aldi, the only brand new furniture we purchased and Hasben had to build it from scratch. It took him hours! But it is the right size for our big family.

My favourite seat in the house is this baby right here. It was Hasben’s idea to purchase it. It was previously used to stage a house for sale. I was sceptical on its quality at first but it is definitely comfy, and probably originally from Adairs.

Anyway, that’s the end of the tour of my little lounge area. Signing off on the last day of summer 2021!


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