ANZAC Day at Surfers Paradise

Another long weekend for Australia residents! Last week was the 4-day Easter break and this week, the patriotic ANZAC day falls on a Friday. Dr. Fairus' 3-month attachment at USQ has come to an end and his flight back to Malaysia is this evening. To send him off, we decided to spend 2 days in the Gold Coast. On arrival, we were welcomed by a series of detours and traffic jams. Some roads were blocked for the ANZAC day parade. After shopping at Hard Rock Cafe, Hasben and most of the guys went for a splash at the beach while the ladies just lazed around under a tree. Kimi with his little buddies! He did not want to play anywhere near the sea nor sand, "no play water...!" So we ended up just taking a few pics with half naked men photo-bombing, ahaks! At about 8PM, after relaxing for a while at Kak Rose's Homestay, we went back to Surfers Paradise to check out the nightlife. This would be our second experience, the first was with JuliZac and Zayra 3...