ANZAC Day at Surfers Paradise

Another long weekend for Australia residents! Last week was the 4-day Easter break and this week, the patriotic ANZAC day falls on a Friday. Dr. Fairus' 3-month attachment at USQ has come to an end and his flight back to Malaysia is this evening. To send him off, we decided to spend 2 days in the Gold Coast.

On arrival, we were welcomed by a series of detours and traffic jams. Some roads were blocked for the ANZAC day parade.

After shopping at Hard Rock Cafe, Hasben and most of the guys went for a splash at the beach while the ladies just lazed around under a tree.

Kimi with his little buddies! He did not want to play anywhere near the sea nor sand, "no play water...!"

So we ended up just taking a few pics with half naked men photo-bombing, ahaks!

At about 8PM, after relaxing for a while at Kak Rose's Homestay, we went back to Surfers Paradise to check out the nightlife. This would be our second experience, the first was with JuliZac and Zayra 3 years ago. Anyway, the night market along the beach was packed with visitors. No souvenirs or food here, more on handmade, crafts products. For souvenirs, it is best to go to the shops at Surfers Paradise Boulevard, much cheaper than Harbour Town i think.

The beach at night. The spotlights made it possible for people to hangout by the beach, not for swimming though.

Lively atmosphere of the night market.

A street performer on a stilt, juggling swords at the Surfers Paradise Boulevard.

By 10PM, most of the shops were already closed, but the bars were full. Best to head back home before meeting any drunkards. Next morning, Harbour Town! Grabbed a few bargains before heading to Brisbane, had our lunch at Malaysia Makanan...

... and said goodbye to Dr. Fairus who was staying a night at a backpackers place.


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