Opening of Toowoomba Mosque

The grand opening of Toowoomba Mosque was held on 30th March 2014, on a rainy Sunday morning.

One of the main events was a food festival, where stalls from Bangladesh, Sudan, Indonesia, Bosnia, Malaysia etc were setup to sell traditional food - all profit goes to charity.

We decided to sell nasi lemak on that day so all preparations were made at HanaJai's house, which basically took us the whole of Saturday and a bit of Sunday morning to complete.

I was thinking of the Malay saying, "Senang macam kacang goreng" when I decided to volunteer to fry the peanuts... But it wasn't really 'senang'! It took forever to fully cook, and might be because I was using the electric pan. After hours of waiting for the nuts to be crunchy, Kak Ramiza brought in the little camping stove, and to everyone's great amusement, the peanuts was cooked in a relatively shorter time! *Must note this lesson for future use*

I have also prepared bandung flavoured aiskirm Malaysia (popsicles) which did not make it to the event. More for me :-)

Anyway, this is our nasi lemak, which I had free for breakfast. Not sure if the local Aussies enjoyed the spicy sambal though:

This is our stall where Brother Yahya and Din were busy promoting the lovely coconut rice, initially selling for $5 each but after intense competition from neighbouring stalls, ended up being only $3 which I think is very cheap (and below production cost!):

A Bosnian stall, popular with the Malaysians due to its grill meat and Indonesian wife/assistance:

Chevapi, the Bosnian delicacy - bread with some sausage rolls.

A 10 year old Sudanese volunteer, giving out free Sudanese dessert - cekodok+donat combo (I should have asked what it is called... And also should have taken a few more):

Performed Asar prayer together before going home. The mosque looks lovely! I must say, the people who made this possible is brilliant and may Allah reward them handsomely, Amin...


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