I Really Need a Shower

I really really do... But it is not easy. Something as basic as cleaning oneself is now a luxury to have. Like for instance, yesterday, I just had it with smelling like a dude from a construction site...

Baby was cranky and sleepy and screaming. So the top priority was to bounce him to sleep. Yesss! Success! But I barely made it to the bathroom door...

"Ibu, Kimi hungry, pancake pleaseeeee~~~~" said the toddler. Before he starts making more noise, which will lead to screaming baby, I made a super fast (horrid looking) pancake, served with choco topping, just in time for baby to wake up and cry his lungs out. So again, I bounced baby to sleep. Tip toed into the bathroom, brushed my teeth...

"Ibu....~~~ water!!!" The decibel (dB) was just right to wake baby up as I can hear him crying through the door. Filled bottle with water, bounced baby to sleep, ran into the shower...

Bliss... 3 seconds later, could it be possible? "Uwaaa uwaaaa" was drowned by the drizzling sound of the shower. So I sped up the bathing process and nearly flew right out of the bathroom.

Baby still unsettled until he drank (milk) himself to sleep:

Hmm... At least I smell better than before. Can't complain. Now let's imagine how life would be with 3 kiddos...


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