Pre-Ramadhan Challenge!

Fasting for pregnant or breastfeeding mommies is very subjective. It all depends on how the individual mommy cope with the situation. For me, alhamdulillah, it is manageable, as long as I wake up for sahur. Otherwise, my low blood pressure will not allow me to make it through the day. I will be sweating, breathing rapidly and experience sudden loss in energy. 

Anyway, since 2010, it was fulfilling to actually fast throughout Ramadhan. But last year, Afi planned to arrive before Raya. I was like *yikes*! To cut the story short, I only fasted for about 5 days. And because it was practically a month to qadak, I decided to wait until autumn/winter, when the day is shorter and cooler, ahaks. And then it totally slipped my mind... 

In the middle of Rejab, I suddenly realised that I didn't have much time. Hasben promised to become my fasting-buddy but didn't even make it 1 day... Pftt.. Anyway, I have been fasting nearly every day now (minus the times I missed sahur, huhu). Today is my last day, with 9 days to the new Ramadhan! Wohoo! Alhamdulillah, I made it! It is not easy when you're doing it alone, so yeah, it is a big deal for me... So Afi, when you're reading this later, remember, this is for you. So no naughty - naughty... 

Woke up for sahur too... Teman ibu mamam. 

Eating tuna sandwich while watching my favourite family comedy, The Middle. 


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