Blouse Perfection!

Hasben has been astonished with my sudden urge of buying new clothes. He said if I wanted to help in saving up for our future, the first thing I should do is have some self-control! Haha! Fine! So my new project is to upcycle my not-so-old clothes that I have some issues with, such as, not 'muslimah compliance' enough (as JuliZac would say). I have this blouse from French Connection, yup kids size, but comfy and I love it. The downside was that it's a bit too short and nearly gave it away to Vinnies. I rummaged through my stash of fabrics and could not believe my luck! I have a black and white fabric (bought from Vinnies a loooong time ago) that I have never used before. It matches the blouse perfectly. And after adjusting the shape, I am quite happy with the final product. (Although honestly, it looks a bit like a nursing poncho, haha). Another blouse is from Elle. Although it was made for teenagers, I felt it was a bit granny looking. This took the longest for...