Australian Army Flying Museum, Oakey, QLD.

Date: 14 February 2016

Haish... have been so lazy with writing blog, journals, reports etc... Not a good start to the new year it seams. Partly to blame is Cities Skyline, a computer game (like Sim City) that I have been hooked on. But now that I have the most awesomest and richest city in the world, the excitement has died down thus here I am, writing an entry.

Anyways, we revisited AAFM in Oakey last month. This time Kimi was extra excited as compared to 3 years back, obviously the age makes a lot of difference. It's a nice little museum and wasn't too expensive. Great for little boys with planes obsession!

This is Skipper from the Disney movie Planes... According to Kimi anyway:

One of the first plane models I guess:

A play area for kiddies, the mini planes were too adorable:

The real thing out in the open:

When we got back home, the little boy was still on cloud 9, talking about planes, plane and planes. He even gathered all his plane collection, including helicopters and Chug the truck and made himself a miniature museum.

Kimi's very own airplane museum (^u^) :


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