Blouse Perfection!

Hasben has been astonished with my sudden urge of buying new clothes. He said if I wanted to help in saving up for our future, the first thing I should do is have some self-control! Haha! Fine!

So my new project is to upcycle my not-so-old clothes that I have some issues with, such as, not 'muslimah compliance' enough (as JuliZac would say). I have this blouse from French Connection, yup kids size, but comfy and I love it. The downside was that it's a bit too short and nearly gave it away to Vinnies.

I rummaged through my stash of fabrics and could not believe my luck! I have a black and white fabric (bought from Vinnies a loooong time ago) that I have never used before. It matches the blouse perfectly. And after adjusting the shape, I am quite happy with the final product. (Although honestly, it looks a bit like a nursing poncho, haha).

Another blouse is from Elle. Although it was made for teenagers, I felt it was a bit granny looking. This took the longest for a satisfactory transformation:

I have about 2m of that yellow fabric, so in the future, I might have matching pillow case/blanket/curtains, haha!

This plaid dress is from Target. Initially, it fits me perfectly in the dressing room but after the first few washes, it shrunk! The sleeves became too short so it is not exactly a long-sleeved dress, neither was it 3/4. So I extended them with a denim coloured fabric.

Now I actually feel like a fashion designer. So if I go to a shop, see a nice dress that wasn't perfect but had potential, I might buy it and asjust it later. Hmm.. Could end up spending more than I should.. And overloading my wardrobe!


Juli.Zakaria said…
muslimah compliance french connection!u never find it anywhere else but here!hahaha

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