My Nesting Instinct!

I am currently at my 36 weeks of pregnancy! And the nesting hormone has kicked-in to full speed! I have been redecorating the house, buying some new appliances, rearranging the furniture, and even brought out my sewing machine for some projects. The thing is, when you already have 3 boys, all your hard work seems to last only 1 day. The house just can't stay clean and tidy, and it is driving me insane sometimes, while mostly, I have just decided to accept my faith...

An IKEA clock shelf that I have been eyeing since 2010. We finally bought it in October 2019 from Gumtree!

Anyway, while changing the cushion cover on our lounge, I noticed that the fillers were coming out from some of the torn cushions. This one is the worst:

On the spot, I whipped out my sewing machine, sacrificed Kimi's worn-out doona cover, and covered the whole cushion. As you can see, Hasben's previous attempt was to tape the holes with Fragile Tape! That particular cushion will definitely be the next one for a make-over. Not now though, I can only do 1 'big' project per month, haha!

So this is the fixed cushion but obviously you can't see it once the cover is on.

Even this fake bamboo from Bunnings is new - I am not kidding about the hormone!

Another aim of mine was to find a new table runner for our blue coffee table. I saw one on sale in Spotlight a few months back, but couldn't sacrifice $9 for the postage. So I finally made my own using leftover fabric. And the best thing is, the handmade table runner matches the striking blue table!

With 1 more week to go, I don't know what else I can do to this house! Oh, I changed my fridge and freezer, as well as my dining chairs. Hope I have time to write about that later!


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