The Nesting Instinct 2!

Oh wow... Writing more than 1 post in a week. So proud of myself, LOL. It is so important for me to document all these little events in my life for future reference but I am just getting lazier and lazier. But here I am, full of energy, fingers on the keyboard and ready to write!

Previously, I mentioned that I am just super excited to beautify our home and have done quite a few changes in just 3 months. One of them is changing the colour scheme of our dining chairs from red to black! Basically, the old and new chairs look the same - only the colour and pattern is different... haha!

New and old - same right?

Initially, that did not go too well with Hasben because he just could not see the point. But Amart Furnitures had a massive 1-day sale on their Funk Chairs - from $45 to just $10 per chair, limited to 2 chairs per customer. I woke everyone up at 8 AM and after successfully persuaded Hasben that it was absolutely necessary to change the chairs, we went to the Amart by 9.30 AM, and there were limited chairs available. Imagine, in just half an hour, the green Funk chairs were sold out and only 10 black ones left. Me, Hasben and Kimi - 3x2 = 6 chairs - nabbed the black ones as quickly as possible.

Can you sense the nesting hormones?

Now our dining chairs matches our dining table. I told Hasben, the theme was 'black forest', with our Ikea's Vika Glasholm glass table top and the new chairs looking like tree branches, I am pretty happy. The old red ones were now sold to a new home.

Bye-bye guys!

One appliance that I really wanted to upgrade was our fridge. We bought the fridge from Aziz and Lin when we first moved to Toowoomba from Malaysia. The old fridge and our freezer were pretty well-used, especially that our family is getting bigger, we needed more space. And I have always loved the french door type fridge - but due to limited space in the kitchen, there were not many choices for the second hand ones. Hisense has this smaller version which I have been eyeing for more than a year and finally, last October, JB Hifi had a discount - from $1190 to $999 (less just $1 from $1k - still I was hooked by the marketing strategy, haha!).

And the best thing was, the fridge is black! How modern~ I contemplated a whole day and finally decided with my tax return, I will go for it!!!

So excited that the delivery man is here! We had to pay an extra $50 for this, so it is now more than $1k =(

Hasben seems to like it too!

We were extraordinarily excited as this is our first ever new (straight from the shop) fridge since we were married nearly 10 years ago - haha!

Still excited!

OOooooOOoooOOOoo!! Fits perfectly next to our pantry!

Okay, I think I better stop - before someone roll their eyes at how ridiculous we are (^u^) - but yes, I love this fridge! The freezer is a downgrade in terms of size but at least it's frost free. No more ice hacking for me. We sold both our old fridge and freezer very cheaply, $20 and $50, respectively - a bargain right?


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