Back to School for Me!

I am officially a student, again!

My career life has been quite monotonous  lately, not that I’m complaining, but to be honest, I am ready for a bit of a change. For years now, my bedtime story is reading through OZBargain, the website for bargain hunters like me. And during the pandemic, a post mentioned that University of Tasmania is letting people enrol Diploma of Sustainable Living free of charge!

So I looked it up, contacted them, and it was confirmed that this course is 100% funded by HECS scholarship until December 2021! Everything is online, no exams, just assignments! Plus, sustainability has been the core topic for most of my teaching and grading tasks - a topic I currently enjoy.

So I tried my luck and applied - and to cut the story short, I am now a uTas student. I will need to complete the whole diploma by December 2021 to secure 100% fees waiver. 

Wish me luck and hopefully I can successfully manage all my roles - mom, academician, crafter, and now student! 


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