Goodbye B-Max

B-Max and Venus in 2019.

We brought home our first family pets back on 26th May 2016 - B-Max, Snowy and Nemo. Three goldfishes, so tiny with different colours. B-Max was black with small orange patches, Snowy was all white and Nemo was all orange. 

The kids sat excitedly in front of the aquarium for the first few days =)

However, just a few days later, Nemo died under the bridge - we suspected that the aquarium was too small for 3 fishes, so we maintained with only 2. A couple of years later, while we were on holiday in Malaysia, our friend, who was pet sitting for us, sent a picture of Snowy looking very sick. It died not long after, this time possibly because of trauma when Hasben transported them to our friends' house.

Upgraded our aquarium.

We bought a bigger aquarium for B-Max as it grew very big. It now looks more orange/white with small black patches. Also, we bought a new friend for it - a comet goldfish we named Venus - because it is bright yellow! Venus was very, very tiny compared to B-Max and kept hiding because it was afraid of the bigger fish. At one point, we could't find Venus and thought B-Max ate it!

As years go by, Venus grew even bigger than B-Max, and we can tell they were the best of friends. B-Max was always sick and Venus would accompany it and sometimes give it a small push. 

Venus could sense that B-Max was not well today.

But today, I was quite shocked to see B-Max suddenly looking very sick! Everything accelerated real quick and it died today around 8pm. Our whole family were devastated! Venus looked like it was trying to tell us something, as this is the first time it has the whole aquarium to itself.

Kids are very upset to say goodbye to their dear friend.

RIP B-Max. We miss you so much and thanks for being our family for the past 5 and a half years.

His final resting place.


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