Kuala Gandah, Pahang

Elephant Sanctuary at Kuala Gandah!

Date: 23 July 2010

Baby Siput

Not many Malaysians are aware on the existence of this elephant sanctuary. To get there, we used the Lebuhraya Pantai-Timut, LPT (East-Coast Highway) and exit at Lanchang. From Gombak, this journey took us about 1 hour by car. We waited at the Lanchang Toll for our Kerteh friends to arrive. Their trip from Kerteh started at 6.30 am and took about 3 hours to reach Lanchang. From the exit, there were plenty of brown signborads to direct us to Kuala Gandah.

We planned to visit Deerland Park, located right before reaching the elephant sanctuary. Unlucky us, the park is closed for visitors every Friday for maintenance. We missed the chance to play with the deers and bears, maybe some other day then...

The entry pass to Kuala Gandah Elephant Sanctuary is free of charge, however, out of the 11 people in our group, only 6 were granted yellow passes, the rest were given red passes. The advantage of having a yellow pass is that you are allowed to take a ride on the elephants and bathe with them. The red pass is only for watching the elephant show.

My suggestion: Register your name in a group of 3 to 5 for the chance to get more yellow passes.

Elephant ride!

The activities with the elephants start at 2pm with a video presentation about the sanctuary... which we missed! The elephants in this sanctuary are mostly wild elephants, injured from human traps, attacked by predators and some are orphans. This include Selendang who lost a foot from a trap and little baby Siput. The elephant show starts at 2.30pm. They performed neat tricks and the visitors were allowed to feed them fruits and peanuts. Later, visitors with yellow passess were allowed to ride the adult elephants and bathe with them in the river. I actually witnessed the elephants poo-poo-ing in the same river, so I kept myself well clear from that activity... =p By 4.30pm, we said goodbye to the elephants as they head back to their shelter for a good rest after a hard day of work.

Shower time!

Interesting to note: No bikinis allowed... might distract the elephants? =p


Juli.Zakaria said…
exciting to see the elephs in flesh!!
Achiq said…
Ini salah satu tempat yang WAJIB pergi ni..
thanks for sharing...
Ju Zie said…
welcome2... mmg wajib pegi... gajah sgt comel!

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