Me @ 26!

The Sick Birthday Girl - But Still Young and Fabulous!

22 Nov 2010 9.02 PM

This morning, I was not aware that this was my last day as a 25 year old 'young' lady. My last day as a mid-twenties girl. In less than 3 hours, I will enter the zone of the late twenties!! What have I achieved these past years? Quite plenty! I feel blessed to have achieved so many things. There were some rough patches but I believe that god tests those who He wishes and rewards those He chooses. Alhamdulillah...

23 Nov 2010 9.34 AM

So many wishes in FB, the only time of year people actually see my page (haha!)... thank you all! Got a YM from my mom: "Hi kak.... happy 27th birthday to you.... mak masih ingat waktu mak nak melahirkan kakak... 4 hari mak sakit kluar masuk kluar masuk labour room.... now dah 27 tahun berlalu" - Very touching... but I'm not 27... I'm only 26!! Mak YMed back after I protested at the miscalculation "Age is just a number" No way man!! Hahaha! Got an SMS from my dad: "My grown up girl, engineer by profession, married to an engineer... is still a child in the inside!" A response to my request for a Swatch watch as a birthday present.."Love you Bah and jam Swatch pink"  =p

23 Nov 2010 4.33 PM

Special suprise from Hasben... cought his fever + soar throat! Oh man...

24 Nov 2010 10.28 AM

In bed, got an MC for fever and soar throat. Forced myself to go to Mesra Mall last night for my birthday dinner with Hasben. Glad I went through with it, although no Harry Potter 7 as planned, ate my fave cake from Secret Recipe... Chocolate Mud Cake - you only turn 26 once in a lifetime, sick or not!

So here I am, at 26, married to a male version of me, graduated twice, the sole civil engineer for 2 plants (it's not really a good thing), bought my first car, bought my first house, and finally full-filling my childhood fantasy of travelling the world - with very little budget, my travelling involves eating packed food and walking on foot to anywhere possible. This fantasy was made possible with Air Asia, the budget airline, and my travelmates, who have the same objective as me - see the world at no cost! Hahha... if only that was possible!

TQ Air Asia - Now Everyone Can Fly... and direct translation from Juli the BFF: Sekarang, Semua Orang Pon Boleh Terbang!

If only Mr Tony Fernandez of Air Asia can read this, he'll probably give me free flights to Korea/Japan/New Zealnd/Paris!!

T-shirt from Hasben

Guess handbag from Julie Zac

Esprit handbag from Momzei

iPod Shuffle from Daddy - apparently I have to buy my own Swatch watch...

Dollhouse Clock from Baby Bro 1 - surprise!!


Juli.Zakaria said…
hahahah..tht's example of a proud father for wut you have achieved for the past 26 years and funny mother of age miscalculation..LOL
Achiq said…
Hepi belated bday dear.
betul kata yr mom `age is just a number' so, don't stop having fun...

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