Bandung & Jakarta, Indonesia

Shopping Trip With the Ladies!

Bye2 Hasben... I am off to Indonesia with the girls... plus 1 boy (a husband to one of the girls). This trip was very different from my usual trips - apart from no Hasben, I was expected to do less sight-seeing and plenty of shopping! But I only brought along RM300, so let's not get too excited... Iza was the trip leader. She arranged for the tour package and even managed to include Hard Rock Cafe visit in the itenary for my sake (I think so)... Thank you dearie!!

Date: 4 November 2010

In LCCT, as we were waiting for luggage check-in... (a side track) we saw Nora Danish, a Malaysian actress with her friends waiting for the plane to Bali... OOoOOoOoOoo~~

We landed in Jakarta at about 8PM. There were sooo many people at the airport that we had trouble to exit the building since the baggage check thingy was overcrowded with people... and bags!! When we finally boarded our van, it was still difficult to exit the parking area due to traffic jam. So another 2 hours on the road, we reached Hotel Ardellia, Bandung.

This is a recommended hotel! It may be small, like a family type business - but the receptionist was helpful, we had breakfast in bed, and best of all... free wifi!! (This is the chance to email Hasben and brag about my shopping conquest... niceee~).

Anyway, everyone was too tired so we went straight to bed after checking in.

Date: 5 November 2010


After breakfast in bed... we waited for our supir, Pak Sudin to pick us up from the hotel. We had to wait quite long since there was a problem with the air-conditioner... this gave us plenty of time for some picture taking.

Hotel Ardellia

When the transportation problem was finally solved, we started our Bandung trip to the must-visit, Tangkuban Parahu Volcano. As we ascended the mountain, the air got cooler... the view... amazing but scary - after all, it is still a volcano. We took some pictures with the famous Kawah Ratu, and did some souvenir shopping. The street salesmen sell the same things the shops do. However, you have to give the shops more attention in order to influence the street salesmen to reduce their price - then, it is definitely a bargain!

Kawah Ratu

Shopping Area

My friends and some street salesmen...

Busy shopping for souvenirs!

Next, it was shopping time all the way! We went to Pasar Baru - a haven for cloths, telekungs, bags, shoes...

Choosing telekung for family back home.

Indonesian ladies have colourful telekung for travelling - when folded, it becomes very small and can easily be placed inside handbags. In red, Zera and her new telekung!

Later, we visited Masjid Raya Bandung... and more shops. I had nothing to buy, so I found a stool and waited for the rest to finish shopping.

It is not easy to cross the roads!

Too tired even for window shopping.

Date: 6 November 2010

Today, we packed our bags and said goodbye to Bandung. We had to travel back to Jakarta. Before that, we had a photo stop at Gedung Sate - the office for the Governor of West Java Province.

Group photo at Gedung Sate!


2-3 hours later - with massive traffic jam, we finally arrived in the capital city of Indonesia.

A kid carrying a baby begging for money in the middle of the road!

We checked-in to N1 Hotel. This is a modern hotel with no wifi! Dissapointed!

The view from our hotel room... The other side of Jakarta.

After Zohor prayers, we had lunch at a nearby restaurant... the menu was: Nasi Padang. I didn't feel like eating since I had my mother's sambal ikan bilis sandwich with me. But my friends sure enjoyed it!

Another round of shopping for us at Gedung ITC Mangga Dua. We bought ourselves matching backpacks!

Super cute backpacks!!!!

At night, we went for a photo stop at Tugu Monas Monumen Nasional - the icon of Jakarta.

Me and Monas!

Next, Hard Rock Cafe stop. Hard Rock cafe is located at a posh shopping area of Jakarta. There were security people at the entrance, a very different view from Mangga Dua.

 Date: 7 November 2010

We woke up at 3AM (!!) and made our way to the airport. We found out that Pak Sudin, our supir, was sleeping in the van throught out the night... Sob sob... However, there was a delay in our flight and we had to wait for a couple of hours at the boarding gate.

Still shopping at the airport!

Waiting not so patiently...

We were quite restless and kept complaining to ourselves about the delay. Little did we know, this situation was caused by the tragedy of Merapi Volcano which erupted a few days ago. My friend DD, whose flight was suppose to be a bit later that same day was cancelled. Many Malaysians got stranded at the airport and had to wait a couple of days (not hours) to return to Malaysia. We did not know how lucky we were... Alhamdulillah... Once seated on the plane, half of us dozed off immediately, including me...

I was already in dreamland when Ifa took this picture, haha!


Juli.Zakaria said…
cant help chuckling with the idea of gulping air liur tgk mmber lunching sambil tahan nafsu..hahahha
M[i]$Z[a]C[k] said…
beshnyeee.. bile la dpt pegi cney jugak T__T

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