Non-Alcoholic Beer

Date: 6 March 2011

For muslims, it is haram to consume alcohol. However, now exists non-alcoholic beer, which looks exactly like beer and can be bought at Carrefour for RM2++... There is also a 'Halal' logo on the bottle. I am not sure whether it is allowed to imitate beer drinking with something very similar to it.

"What purpose is it for (the Halal beer)? To imitate people togok arak but in Muslim way?"
Julie Zac, Costing Engineer, Terengganu.

In America, non-alcoholic beer is something of a worry to parents, since some perceive it as "training beer" for their teenage children. They call it "near beer" and actually contains .5% alcohol by volume. Please refer article by Jonathan Agley: Non-Alcoholic Beer. However, I am not saying that the 'Halal' beer at Carrefour contains alcohol. Maybe it will bring fitnah if we are not careful. So I asked an ustaz to explain on this matter.

"Beer is haram because it contains alcohol (or any other substance) that causes intoxication. Without those substance, the drink is then halal. From my point of view, it is halal but using similar bottles to actual beer should not happen because it will cause fitnah to the community who are not aware on the existense of said drink."
Ustaz Zalani, Terengganu.


Anonymous said…
betul2.. bahaya tu.. lg2 remaja cam aku. mesti bangga pegang botol beer. tak kisahla halal ke haram
Juli.Zakaria said…
good things to share ther~
hazari. said…
somehow it remembers the rootbeer from A&W. hehh. my mum used to joke about it's name. haha.
Unknown said…
lebih baik kita menghindari diri daripada perkara2 syubhah..mmg betul dia kata halal and sejauh kebenarannya..kita pun tak tau..apa kata kita elakkan saja dan impikan arak yang berada di syurga yang lbih lazat darpada mana2 minuman di dalam dunia ini..Wallahualam
Achiq said…
ish, ish, ish... macam2 ada kat KL ni ya..
Namanya `beer' kita dengar pun dah semacam...baik dijauhkan terus.. tak bergaya pun tak apa...
Nonny Atika said…
menyedihkan.. apa perlunya beer halal.. :((
Juli.Zakaria said…
ustaz pon cakp, kalo tade alkohol, adalah halal.

mungkin sebab nama is bir and botol mcm champaign, terus mindset adalah haram padahal kalo tgk ribena pon botol mmacam arak, tp sebab bukan nama riBEERna, so ppl tak question..kan?

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