Project Runaway - Pillow Version

Me and My Fluffy Pillows!!

I am a specific sleeper... which means, I have problem sleeping if there was something not quite right with my sleeping arrangement. I am soooo  loyal to my pillows, you will see why...

During one movie night with Julie Zac - watching Eat, Pray, Love - me the multi-tasker performed my first Project Runaway for my 16 year old bolster... yup, 16!! My mom bought it for me when I was 11 years old in the year 1995. The cloth was so old and already disintegrated that when Hasben pulled it out from its case for laundry time, the bolster broke in half! By the end of the movie, the bolster was good as new, and more cylindrical than before! Yeah!

Too bad I didn't have the 'before' picture...

The second Project Runaway - Pillow Version was for my leg hugging pillow (bantal peluk kaki) which I can't remember when exactly I owned it. The only thing I am sure of, is that it is so fluffy that no one is allowed to use it except me. It too was aging, with the same symptoms as my bolster. During one of my comfy nights, I accidentally tore the edge. Poor thing...

This time, I took pictures of the "make-over". I bought a 1 meter cloth from Kamdar and wrappd the pillow up.

The torn edge... =C

While watching Toy Story 3, the sewing begins... and finally, with its new outfit, my old pillow looks so sexy!! You probably want to hug it because it looks so yummy... but you CAN'T! Hihihi...

The two angels in their fresh and clean pillow cases, looking ageless!


Juli.Zakaria said…
juli zac say hello to those smellie pillows~ i never noticed them before in ur room, perhaps so bz with the talking until see nothing other than ur face.hahah
Achiq said…
eeeee.. bantal bucuk.. cuka, cuka...
lagi lama usianya, lagi best...
MammaSun said…
haha...aku nyer pun dah berapa kali re-wrap my bantal bucuk....sampai skrang duduk ngan mak mertua pun aku heret skali bantal tu. Tapi mak mertua aku awal2 dah pesan tak nak anak aku ada bantal bucuk....adeh.

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