Gadget: Panasonic Hair Styler

Belated birthday gift requested from Hasben:

Panasonic Hair Styler

Yeeha~! This is a really cool gadget... Usually, to blow dry our hair using a hairdryer, we need both of our hands - one to hold the hairdryer, the other one to hold a comb... As shown in below picture...

However, with this gadget, it combines the hairdryer with the comb, leaving one hand free to scratch our nose, to munch biscuits or to change the TV channel. Also, it has both hot and cool air features for either drying or styling. Loving it!

A comb with wire!

Last night, I multi-tasked (a woman's most valuable skill) - I watched Glee on StarWorld and dried my hair at the same time. It did not make too much noise, so I can still hear the Gleeks singing their hearts out!

Cost: +- RM80


Achiq said…
Wah.. beralun-alunlah nanti rambut U ya.. ops! pakai tudung.. x leh nampak lah plk...
Juli.Zakaria said…
wahhhh..bole jadik miss vidall sassoon kat hasben.hahah
Ju Zie said…
vidal sasoon apa? macam pakcik bawak lorinye rambut, haha!
Kak hana said…
mcm best je..mne nk dpt ni
Ju Zie said…
Carefour ada... kdai2 mcm Jusco pon ada kot...

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