Sea World, Gold Coast, Australia

Date: 14 March 2011

Yeahhh!! A theme park PLUS education on animals! Have fun and learn at the same time...!! >> This is what I would write if I care much about learning while on holidays. What I really feel... WOW... rides!! and cute animals!!! That's about it...

Since I am currently listed on the "special people" list, I was not allowed to join my friends on most of the rides. A bit crap but.. at least I get to see the cute animals... =p

Hasben at the entrance!

We were welcomed by a pirate stunt show near the food court.

Since our arrival, we did not have much to eat. We were super starving and could not concentrate on the park.

First thing's first: LUNCH!! - Seafood and Fish & Chips!! No plastic bags at all... a very environmental friendly park!

With energized spirits, we planned our day... Zera leading the trip!

First was a visit to Penguin Encounters - they are just adorable!

Our next destination was far across the park. We chose to ride the cable car for a sceanic view of Sea World.

On the cable car - Sky High Skyway - The orange tracks on the background is Sea Viper Rollercoaster, the scariest ride in the park!

Everyone but me on the Viking's Revenge Flume Ride - I can hear them scream from a far!

The educational animal visits! - Polar Bear Shores, The Dolphin Show, Penguins, Ray Reef, Starfish, and Shark Bay!

The only animal show we were able to watch was the dolphin show... They are very smart creatures! And lovable too!


Jet Rescue ride - very fast and furious... so they say...

The girls were sick from Jet Rescue so we let the boys try the Sea Viper Rollercoaster... It's far too creapy!

Hasben and Nabil hanging on tight!!

Me shooting water at people on the ship at Castaway Bay! This was a fun game but we were soaking wet!

Posing in front of Sesame Street before calling it a day.

Our last ride... it is suppose to be for kids... but I don't think kids can have the strength to pull so high!

With the park closing at 5pm, we made our way back to the exit with a few more picture taking. We had to take the 705 bus to Surfers Paradise.

I love how they care for the environment! Last advice before leaving the park for good.
Bye2 Sea World!!


Juli.Zakaria said…
the one yg scream tu aku la tuuuu..hhaha
Karakracker said…
Nice shots. From the look of it, all of you are having a swell time. Just wanna your permission. Can I use these pix for a promotional flyer on Sydney?
Ju Zie said…
Yeah, be my guest. Sydney? Seaworld is in Gold coast though.

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