Book: Rachel's Holiday

Author: Marian Keyes

My Synopsis:
Ms Keyes writes about Rachel Welsh, a 27 year old Irish girl working in New York. She takes drugs - a lot - but in her mind, it's just recreational, like a social smoker. It is amusing to explore the mind of an addict, oblivious to her actual condition, and her denials. After being forced to enter a rehab center in Dublin, Rachel starts to see herself from the eyes of her loved ones. She initially thought she was going for a free holiday - jacuzzis, spas, rock stars, and was confused that the situation was far from fun and games.

Lesson Learnt:
I have learnt how an addict's mind works. They do not see the obvious, too consume with their addiction. Ms Keyes had successfully shared with her readers an addict's point of view with her spot on humor, making the story both informative and fun at the same time.

My Last Say:
Superb!! A must must read!


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