Where Was I During Bersih 2.0?

Date: 9 July 2011 Traffic jam at Sprint Expressway Source: The Star Online I was in KL!! I promised to meet up with Hasben at PNB Darby Park, where he had a technical training. I had no choice but to drive on my own all the way from Kerteh to KL. At Karak Highway, I was met with a massive jam! It took me exactly 1 hour to get from MRSM Bentong to Lanchang tol, which in normal situation, will only be a 30 seconds drive!! To make matter worst, the air-con starts to annoy me by blowing hot air! I was hot, hungry, wanted to pee and super tired - not to mention nearly in my 3rd trimester of pregnancy! Roll down the car window you say? Yeah, i tried that - the exhaust fumes from the lorries surrounding me were worse than the heat. When I finally reached the roadblock, the policeman, who was in his late 40s I think, said, "Thank you miss, you may go..." with a very weary face. I felt kind of sorry for him, so my anger subsided as I started driving as fast as I could to blow off ...