Me & Maybank Treats Fair 2011!

Credit Card - Is It Good or  Bad??

Date: 22 July 2011

It is definitely GOOOOOD!! (For me, hihi). Every July each year, Maybank Treats Fair will be held at Mid Valley. For 3 years in a row, Hasben and I did not miss the chance to join the MADNESS (Promoters shoving you with flyers, and asking "Kak, how many childern do you have?" "Do you know you can teach your child from the womb" and so on - Total madness!!). In 2009, we booked our honeymoon trip with Mayflower and last year, Hasben bought himself an external hard disk using his collected treat points. For 4 years, I have never once spent my treat points... the result = RM500++ worth of points!!!

This year's mission - wipe clean my treat points as a "well done for being patient" present for myself. After vigorously searching for something to waste the points on, it came down to 2 things: Guess watch and Coach bag. Hasben and I had a thorough discussion, a very serious one indeed... We debated on the pros and cons of each item. He even asked me to choose his left hand or right hand - so I chose the left one.

Hasben: Aha! Guess Watch!
Me: Damn!


A coach bag for me! - With only a few Ringgits top-up!

Hasben decided to waste his points on iPhone accesories - A new casing and anti-glare, anti-smudge, anti-whatever screen protector at EpiCentre.

"Goodbye RM15 casing...~" said Hasben.

With smiles on our faces, and in really good mood, I decided to shop for my siblings' early birthday presents, and collect more points for future shopping spree!! Woohooo!!

For Hasben, WinZie, and Peah!

Hasben, so happy with the paper bag!!


Juli.Zakaria said…
piiwitt!the bar is raised one notch higher!

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