Hotel: Concorde, Shah Alam

Date: 16 August 2011

Both me and Hasben (actually, I dragged Hasben to join) were nomintaed to attend a self motivation training at Concorde Hotel, Shah Alam. My first thought was: "I must be a really demotivated person to be nominated by HR". My second thought was: "What the heck! Let's travel and explore Shah Alam for free, wehooo!" (It is really easy for me to be motivated, I like free things! =p)

Anyways, Concorde Shah Alam is easy to find. It is quite close to the famous Blue Mosque. The room was okay, a typical setup. But the bed was huge!

I did not like the bathroom though, it had this pee-ful smell. The toilet was old fashioned - no pipe for washing a.k.a istinjak (ewah!). As Malaysians are not use to tissue wiping, you can imagine the hardship of washing oneself with the little glass provided.

Small TV... Hihi...

The best part was the view from my room! The Blue Mosque - the largest mosque in Malaysia!

Day time view 
Night time view

Participants of the program were treated for break fast. There were many choices of food but I was very dissapointed with the roasted lamb! It was a bit hard to chew... hmmph! However, that did not stop me from having a few plates of high-cholestrole lamb dishes!

Breaking fast at Concorde Shah Alam


Juli.Zakaria said…
setup pesen lama. macam concorde kl jugak. mungkin hotel paling gah masa 80-an dulu

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