Lapar Sihat, Kenyang Kronik

A Date With Ustaz Zamri~

Date: 10 August 2011

"Apa dia adik-adik?" "ZAKAT!!" Such an adorable show. When I heard that Ustaz Zamri was coming to Kerteh for Forum Ramadhan, I was excited! He is practically a celebrity!

The panel of ustazs.

The forum was really good. The panels discussed on the advantages of Ramadhan and fasting in terms of spiritual and medical benefits. Half way through the forum, I had to attend a meeting, crappy! So below were a few points that I was able to capture.

Before the meeting, I won myself a book for answering correctly a quiz question... Yeah!

Signed autograph from Ustaz Zamri... another Yeahh!!

How some Muslims nowadays percieve the fasting month:

1) A month of hunger and thirst.
They will only concentrate on eating as much as possible during sahur, and neglect ibadah.

2) A transition month to Eid Fitr
They will buy new clothes, curtains, sell Raya cookies and biscuits as a preparation for Eid celebration.

3) A month to gain economically
They pre-booked Bazar Ramadhan site for business, even before Ramadhan.

Spiritual Advantages of Ramadhan

1) 70x pahala for each good deed.
2) Lailatul Qadar - a night equals to a thousand months. Allah hides this night on the last week of Ramadhan for the sincere Muslims to find.

1/3 of Ramadhan: A week for rahmat. Nearly all Muslims go to mosque for Tarawikh.
2/3 of Ramadhan: A week of forgiveness. Allah filters His servants, lesser Muslims go to Tarawikh to obtain His forgiveness.
3/3 of Ramadhan: A week to be saved from hell. Allah further filters His servants. Only the chosen one will have the sincerity to recieve this blessing.

3) The fasting breath of a Muslim smells of kasturi in the sight of Allah.
4) Allah opens widely the doors of heavens and closess all doors of hells.

Health benefits of fasting:

Healthy eating shall be as optimum as possible, not minimised. Meals eaten will only by fully digested after 5 hours. During other months, we usually eat up to 6 meals per day - breakfast, morning break, lunch, tea break, dinner and supper. The stomach never stops diesting due to overlap of meals. The only time the stomach rests is during our sleep, for about 3 hours. During Ramadhan, our stomach will take the opportunity for cleansing of ammonia (ammonia intoxication), cholestrole, and heal any wound in the stomach.

Rasulullah SAW's diet:
Eat before hungry, stop before full.

Rasulullah SAW break fast routine:

1) Once azan Maghrib, eat 3 dates and drink plain water
2) Perform Maghrib prayer
3) Read 1 juzuk of Quran
4) Go to mosque to perform Isyak and Tarawikh prayers
5) Return home for dinner.



Juli.Zakaria said…
title buku menarik!

content syarahan..poww to the face~
Ju Zie said…
selepas dengar ceramah ni, masih ditapis Allah! Very bad~

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