Preloved Enterprise at Ramadhan Charity Bazar

My First Business Stall - Just for Fun!~

Date: 24 August 2011

Setting up our booth.

A Ramadhan Charity Bazar was conducted in KIPC, my workplace. Me, Sally, Kak Eja and Kak Yam joint venture to open our own booth, selling all sorts of things. Kak Yam was very successful in selling her mother's home made perfumes and some gorgeous brooches! Kak Eja, a professional business lady, was selling scarves and blouses. Me and Sally? We were the proud owners of Preloved Enterprise - selling our preloved items. I have always loved shopping and was very interested to be on the other side of the cash machine - not that we had any cash machines, hihi...

My so called "cash machine"

It was great fun but a bit tiring calling out to potential customers, who were mostly our officemates (I know, not so challenging). We sold a few items with ridiculously low prices. Some of them:

Sally's gorgeous clothes: RM2!!
My radio cassette player: RM5!!
Kak Yam's accesories: RM1!!

Ummi shopping for Raya

Great bargain right? The important thing was, the payment for the booth rent goes straight to charity so there was no such thing as lost - because the orphans had already gained. [^u^]Y

Donation giving ceromony to Permata Camar
Wakaf certificate

Anyone interested to donate to this orphanage, visit their website at


Juli.Zakaria said…
comelnyer cash machine. funny u.hahah

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