Mom & Son Batik Pants

Thesis writing is a very stressful thing. Of course, one would expect that, unless you are a super nerd who loves the thrill of sharing knowledge, which I am obviously not. While staring at my laptop screen of mostly Microsoft Word, I had this sudden thought... I missed sewing!

Must... Resist... Urge... To... Touch... Sewing... Machine...!

Hmm, that mantra obviously failed because by the end of the day, I had 2 pairs of matching batik pants - one for me and a mini one for Kimi! He was excited to see that he had the same pants as me. Hasben was a bit disappointed that I didn't make him one. Probably feeling a bit left out on how cool we look!

Here is Kimi, eating pancakes and working his traditional pants:

Anyway, as for me, one confinement pants - ready! But I'm not!


Unknown said…
Please make one for me!
Unknown said…
Please make one for me!

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