Bunya Mountain, QLD, Australia

Scenic Circuit Track

Date: 10 Jan 2015

Our frugal anniversary trip this year involved some serious exercise, which I think is Hasben-approved.  He bought one of those fit bands on boxing day that tracks your steps and calorie burns and force you to be healthy, etc... I just don't get what all the hoohaas about. Not a gadget I want on me 24-7.

Anyway, we decided to do some bush walking with Abg Zul's family. I chose the Scenic Circuit Track since it was the most popular track. 4KM round trip,  meaning that we walked in a big (HUGE) circle which felt endless and left everyone super tired. You can imagine that our group was not the fittest, with 5 children including my 3 year old and 6 month old.

The track entrace is at the Dandabah Picnic Area Car Park,  not to be confused with the Dandabah Camp Ground.

Everyone was super hyped and started the journey with smiles and laughters and camera posing.

Hasben, baby wearing Afi. This is Afi's first bush walk,  yay! 

We walked along side a stream and many rock pools that leads to the first landmark, Festoon Falls.  It is 80m off the main track (which we ignored and regretfully, did not take any pictures of it).

 Me, dressed in outdoor attire (semangat!) 
Ootd:- Sun hat and trousers: Kathmandu, Shirt: GoLite

Just up ahead is the sole lookout of the circuit,  Pine Gorge Lookout.  Great,  awesome views of the mountains and tiny chalets.

Okay, from this point, the track takes another 2.7KM to complete. Most people with kids would off turn around and head back to the car park because let me tell you, the journey forward was really tiring. It is an easy walk but the kids were repeatedly asking, "are we there yet?". But not Kimi,  he has this extraordinary energy bank that never runs dry. And Afi was doing well too, sleeping soundly like a baby koala.

So after more than a kilometre of walking, we reached  Tim Shea Falls and from here, another 1.3KM to go! (Everybody was like "Oh mann!!").

But when the track passes through the huge strangler fig, I was at awe.  It is so beautiful and definitely worth the trip.

And the good news is, with this final landmark, we were about to complete the circuit. So if you are planning to have a quick visit of the strangler fig, turn left at the starting point of the circuit and return the same way. This will take you less than 30 minutes.

After nearly 2 hours of walking, we settled down right in front of the track entrance for our second lunch. Kimi was so hungry that he scoured for every piece of chicken and noodle he could find.

And after 3 day, my legs are still aching...


Juli.Zakaria said…
yeaa.. the pokok is rare. worth the ache.hafi baby coala?? hahah

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