Coomba Falls, Maidenwell, QLD.

Maidenwell is a 1.5 hours drive from Toowoomba. It was suggested that we poped by Coomba Falls before visiting Bunya Mountains.

On our way! 
Reached Maidenwell! 
At the car park.  
 The old steps next to the newly built staircase. 
Material by Wagners (applied for a job here but was rejected, haha!) 

The view was astonishing, truely as if we were transported to some mystical land. The boulders surrounding the waterhole creates an amazing secluded feeling.


We had a picnic lunch here, at about 11am. There were a few groups of people already there, splashing and swimming. And by 12pm, more people arrived for lunch. The little land area was packed and we had to leave to allow others to settle.

However, the waterfall was just a trickle that day. It was a hot summer day, so Hasben was quite disappointed that he couldn't take a dramatic water fall picture.


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