Getting Too Smart!

Kimi and Afi are getting so smart now! We were playing a game where I gave them a scenario, and asked them how they would react. For example: Me: If a girl say, ‘can you be my boyfriend?’ What are you going to answer? Kimi: No thanks. And suddenly Afi said it was his turn to ask a question. Afi: Ibu, if a boy say ‘I like you’ and ask you to go to the airport so you can fly somewhere, what are you going to say? Me: Hmm... where are we travelling to? Afi: Malaysia Me: No thanks, I have been there many times. Kimi: Ibu, you should say, ‘No.. I’m married!!’ LOL These smart boys with their dinosaur art gallery. It’s bedtime, but they decided to get creative now.. pfftt...