Movie: Harry Potter & The Deathly Hollows - Part 1

The Muggle Has Finally Watched HP7!!

Date:18 December 2010

At last... After 1 month of waiting, I finally watched HP7 at the cinemas. Many attempts before this were met with disapointments. Although the whole world have seen this movie by now, and would be saying "That's old news man! Stop embarassing yourself!".. I really couldn't care less. The movie was great great great and it was a good idea to split the story into 2 parts. The previous movies did not meet my expectations because they skiped so many scenes. The storylines moved too fast and may confuse the viewers who hadn't read the books first. At some points, they got a bit boring. However, this time, I can't wait for Part 2!!

Thank God it's still in the cinema after exactly 1 month of being released in Malaysia

Halfway through the movie, Hasben asked, "Which 1 is Voldemort? Is it the guy without the nose?" It was so funny... On the last HP instalment, he's still confused, haha, poor thing!

I read the first HP book when I was 14 and immediately got sucked into the fantasy world created by JK Rowling. She was so creative and her writing was humorous, never failed to made me laugh.. Especially with the ear wax flavoured candy. Me and DD used to imagine that our school was Hogwarts and we had Moarning Myrtle in the girls' toilet. We were a bit sad when we finished reading the 7th book as there was nothing to look forward anymore, magic wise.

The saddest children book ever - Bye-bye Harry and gang!

So when they decided to make the Harry Potter movies, you can bet we were super excited!! Now that the last movie will be released soon... It's sadness all over again!

Recommendation: Must must read the books! They are way better than the movies... Let your imagination run wild!!


Win Zie said…
Must watch the 2nd part together also :)

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