Me & Squash!

Dream Becomes Reality - Not Your Typical Happy Ending!

In our university years, Julie Zac and I had promised many times to play squash together. During our evening jogs, or some atheletes would say, walks, we talked about borrowing squash rackets and hitting the court... the bad news was, there was no one to borrow them from. Buying the rackets would be just impossible back then. It will cost us 2/5 of our monthly allowance! So the dream of becoming Nicole David got wiped away by financial inadequacy, ahaks!

During our evening jog - UTP Sports Complex

Ting tong ting tong... 1 year after graduation...

Both of us started working in Kerteh where there's a company squash court we could use. Now, with rackets of our own, hers being the more expensive one (just can't resist to write, haha!), we fulfilled our university-days promise.

The Battle Begins!

The expensive racket, Nike shoes and nearly out of frame - Adidas sports watch~

We tried our best to make it a weekly event and instead, end up being a monthly one! Before Nicol David tries to recruit us for the next Asian Games, it's my duty to admit that we play really bad. Our bodies are challenged and sweating mostly from picking up the ball and laughing at each other... we are the opposite of graceful, as long as the ball hits the wall, then we're good~


Achiq said…
At least ada jugk yg selected as per EXPRO team.. Ok apa? You go girls!!!!!
Juli.Zakaria said…
hahahahaha..ju yer aa..saya tak dapt kak~ ada org lagi terer "suka ati saya la, saya mmg main camni, katok bola macam nak katok org(sekadar menambah..hihi)
Win Zie said…
Nice, bring me there when I go to Terengganu nanti ;)

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