Me & Hard Rock Pins!

My Collection of Hard Rock Pins!

As a hobby, I collect pins on places I visited since I was 10 years old. My mom used to buy me pins when I was younger. Now that I'm older, Hard Rock pins are added to my collection. It started in Bali, Indonesia when I couldn't find a Bali pin at the souvenir shops. Instead, I went into Bali Hard Rock Hotel and bought a pin there. Since then, it became my objective to purchase one from the places I visited, even if it means walking for 1 hr (in the case of Amsterdam), getting lost in the process of finding the Hard Rock Cafes (Paris, Rome), intense research from the internet (London), getting squashed on Metro (India), etc... This will be updated as new pins are purchased, oh yeah~

I present to you, my precious collections:

1) All Access - Membership Pin from Amsterdam 

2) Bali, Indonesia - My first ever Hard Rock pin!

3) Hong Kong, China - Did not expect to find the cafe at The Peak! A bonus!

4) Bangkok, Thailand - walked with girlfriends at night from shopping mall!
-The Tuk-Tuk-

5) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Stopped by during training at Concorde Hotel

6) Rome, Italy - Got lost in the process of searching the cafe!
-The Colloseum-

7) Venice, Italy - Purchased after a romantic Gondola ride!

8) Heidelberg, Germany - There's NO Hard Rock in Heidelberg, this is a copy-cat cafe! =p

9) Cologne, Germany - The salesgirl informed us about the conspiracy theory of 'Hard Rock' Heidelberg, ahaks!

10) Amsterdam, Holland - Walked for 1 hr to reach this cafe!

11) Paris, France - Got lost and not much help from passerbys =(
-Eiffel Tower-

12) London, UK - Stopped by after a visit to Stamford Bridge
-London Phone Booth-

13) Jakarta, Indonesia - HR visit was incorporated into the travel itenary by my friend, TQ!

14) New Delhi, India - Squashed in Metro, walked on rubbish!
-Red Fort-

15) Singapore - A family trip to Hard Rock Cafe.. cool~!

16) Surfers Paradise, Australia - Shopping time after Seaworld~!


Juli.Zakaria said…
cool design of pins with thrill experience.syabas betey!!!
Win Zie said…
why Jakarta punya pin looks so dull? but me liking the design.
Ju Zie said…
X enuff flash la winzie, huhu..

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