Me & YES 2010!

Year End Sale Shopping Time!

Date: 5 December 2010

After waiting ever so patiently for the best time of the year for all ladies in Malaysia – the YES!!!! is back! The lucky shopping mall I picked to fulfill my shopping (and window shopping) desires is Mid Valley Mega Mall for these following reasons:

1) It’s huge with many many shops as per my taste.
2) It has a huge cinema with many movie choices.
3) It has a huge parking space with a decent rate.
4) I can drive there without getting lost nor stuck in traffic jam – most of the time.

Me and bestie, DD planned to watch Harry Potter 7 for our Girls’ Day Out. By the time we reached the cinema counter, only 2 seats left at the last row. You would say, lucky girls, but actually, NOT! One seat was at the furthest left, the other one at the furthest right. Why on earth do people buy movie tickets leaving 1 seat empty next to them?? So, magic wands aside, Plan B! We watched Rapunzel/Tangled in 3D! Okay, the last Disney Princess I can remember is “The Princess and The Frog” which I did not even remember the ending. The last Disney Princess that I actually liked was Jasmine from Aladdin. Thank you Disney people for still remembering how to make a sweet and romantic princess animated movie! I absolutely loved it! It was soooo funny, with not your typical hero, and not your typical villain. Thumbs up… Harry Potter who??

For lunch, DD treated me to Carl’s Jr Burger for a belated birthday treat. This was my first time eating at Carl’s Jr, so thank you DD for such a sweet gesture! Love you loads!

Next, all eyes on shops’ displays, price tags, and discount banners!! 50% off for LeSportsac handbags – got one! Victory is mine!!! I have been eye-ing the pattern for quite some time, now that it’s 50% cheaper, it is totally worth the wait!

Swatch watch normal price!! – got one!! How did this happen?? I have the salesgirl to blame for this, she was so friendly and nice!

The damage has been done to my credit card, all I need to do now is brace myself for Hasben’s what-happened-to-kawal-nafsu? speech. Fuh-ha!


Win Zie said…
this is better than the desperate housewives lawnmower guy story. uhum!

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